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Belloo - Complete Social Dating Software - integration

If you are using the "Belloo" script on your website, referring to this script: Belloo - Premium Dating Script, you have the option to seamlessly integrate our chat directly into this platform. Follow these steps:   Download the package from the provided link. Click here to open the config_videochat_html5.php file with a text editor. // INSERT YOUR TOKEN AND ACCOUNT ID FROM YOUR PCA AT https://www.html5-videochat.com/index.php?/pca/pca/ $token_password = 'my tokeni'; //


chat5html in integration

Wordpress - integration

PLUGIN WORDPRESS You can automatically activate the plugin on your WordPress site. To proceed with the automatic installation, click the following link. https://wordpress.org/plugins/html5-videochat/ If you prefer to proceed with the manual installation process, keep reading. The following instructions will guide you through the installation.    Integration for wordpress Download the plugin to place in your root download plugin Installation tutorial 1


chat5html in integration

Datingsite integration

How to integrate html5-chat and datingscript ? Here is a snippet to help you to integrate html5 chat and dating script. Just edit $account_id and $token variables <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); require 'vendor/autoload.php'; include('application/config.php'); use \Firebase\JWT\JWT; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['session']['username'])) { header('Location:' . $config['base_url'] . 'users/login'); exit; } $token = ''; $accoun_id = '';


chat5html in integration

youdate.website Intergration

Youdate.website is a small CRM for dating written with Yii framework Here is a quick way to integrate html5-videochat with youdate <?php require(__DIR__ . '/application/bootstrap.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/vendor/autoload.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/environment.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/controllers/PhotoController.php'); $config = require(__DIR__ . '/application/config/web.php'); $applic


chat5html in integration

SocialEngine integration

Social engine is a php commercial dating script. UPDATE Download html5-videochat plugin from this link Edit application\modules\chat5html\controllers\indexController.php And edit this Upload the files to your site with FTP Both folders: (modules and packages) Go to your social Engine admin panel and go to menu manage->Packages & plugins and enable html5-videochat plugin Congratulations: Your chat is not available at url : https://yoursite.com/html5-videoc


chat5html in integration

Drupal integration

Drupal 7 Create a new field called “gender” go to : configuration->Account setting, Managed field Add new field called “gender” (list text)   and put them values : male female   Install the plugin you can download it from this link Go to structures/blocks and enable Content / create block chat5html Click configure Restrict that block to chat page Congratulations: you just create


chat5html in integration

IPS - ip.board

This method is compatible with any version of IP.board If you use ip.board, I'll teach you how to add a page for your chat application First create a block Choose these settings Inside enter all this code you see below   <?php $_id_account = 82; $name = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name; $member_id = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id; $gender = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->profileFields()["core_pfieldgroups_1"]["core_pfield_2"]; // Im


chat5html in integration

joomla integration

Download the plugin at this link. You will need the package to install it in your Joomla control panel. Log in to the Joomla administration with your login credentials. In the top navigation bar, click on "Extensions" and choose "Extension Manager" from the dropdown menu. In the "Extension Manager" page, click on the "Upload" tab on the top left. Select the plugin file you downloaded and click "Upload and Install". After a few seconds, Joomla will install the pl


chat5html in integration

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