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joomla integration




Download the plugin at this link. You will need the package to install it in your Joomla control panel.

  • Log in to the Joomla administration with your login credentials.
  • In the top navigation bar, click on "Extensions" and choose "Extension Manager" from the dropdown menu.
  • In the "Extension Manager" page, click on the "Upload" tab on the top left.
  • Select the plugin file you downloaded and click "Upload and Install".
  • After a few seconds, Joomla will install the plugin and show a confirmation message.
  • Now the plugin is installed, but you need to activate it. Go back to the "Extension Manager" page and select the "Manage" tab on the top left.
  • Search for the plugin you just installed and click on the checkbox next to it.
  • Click on the "Enable" button on the top right to activate the plugin.
  • You should now see a success message indicating that the plugin has been enabled.
  • Go to the plugin page and search for the chathtml5 plugin. Click on the name.


  • Once you click on the chathtml5 plugin name, you will need to enter the TOKEN ID and ID ACCOUNT. Please refer to the picture below.


These are the groups that will reflect the roles of the chat.

  1. Public - ospite
  2. Registered - user
  3. Author - deejay 
  4. Administrator - admin
  5. Super Users - admin


  • add a new article and insert a shortcode like
[html5chat width="100%" height="800px"]


  • That's it! The plugin is now installed and activated on your Joomla website. You can check the plugin's settings and configuration by going to the "Extensions" menu and choosing "Plugin Manager". From there, you can search for the plugin and click on its name to access its settings.


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