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Revolutionizing Video Communication: Dynamic Audio Indicators for Enhanced Interaction!




We've introduced an advanced feature in the webcam settings that will significantly change how you interact with users using their camera. Now, when users activate their webcam, you can see a dynamic audio indicator directly on their webcam window. This indicator rises and falls in sync with the power of their voice, providing a clear indication of who is currently speaking.




How It Works:

  1. Visual Volume Indicator: The audio indicator is represented by a visual bar next to the webcam window. Its height varies based on the power of the microphone's audio signal, allowing you to clearly identify who is speaking at any given moment.

  2. Customization Options: This feature can be easily toggled on or off in the webcam settings. Simply select the "Add red border on webcam when volume detected" option to activate this innovative function. It's important to note that for this option to work correctly, the "Disable camera audio" option must be deactivated.

  3. Communication Enhancement: With this feature activated, monitoring who is speaking becomes more intuitive, especially when multiple webcams are active simultaneously. Identifying the most active and engaged participants is now easier than ever.


  • Engaging Experience: This innovative feature is designed to enhance your visual communication experience, making video calls and meetings more engaging and dynamic.

With this addition, we are making your communication experience even more interactive and intuitive. We look forward to receiving your feedback on this new feature as we continually strive to improve our platform to best meet your needs.



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