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To properly add the plugin to your WordPress site, follow these steps:




First, download the plugin from this linkBuddyPress.

Once the plugin is installed, navigate to your admin panel and select "Settings" > "Profile Fields" as shown in the image below:


As shown in the image, click on the "Add New Field" button.



When selecting the "Name (required)" field, make sure to enter only one of the following texts listed below:


'Sono', 'I am', 'Soy', 'Ich bin', 'Je suis', 'Jestem', 'Ik ben', 'Jeg er'


Choose the text that best suits your language.

After choosing the "Gender" text, configure the "Type" field by selecting "Drop Down Select Box" from the dropdown menu.



Now, in the fields that appear, make sure to enter exactly the three predefined genders: "male", "female", "couple". It's important to follow these instructions to ensure the chat functions correctly.


Remember that you must enter the words that represent female, male, couple in the fields, and it is important to enter the right word for correct functioning, the words allowed are;

'femmina' 'female' 'chica' 'weiblich'  'femelle' 'Kobieta' 'kvinde'

'maschio' 'man' 'hombre' 'Mann' 'mâle' 'Mezczyzna' 'han-'





Let's emphasize once again that all fields, both in the profile field name and in the values, must be static. This means you need to enter the exact words provided in this tutorial. If you do not input the correct words, the input process will not function properly. If the provided words seem incorrect to you, or if you wish to change them because they do not reflect your language, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We will address any issues promptly and ensure your satisfaction.


Once the field is created, click "Save Field" to confirm the changes.

Now your gender will be visible when accessing the chat.


If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected]. We'll be happy to help.

Thank you and see you soon!

I hope these revisions are helpful. Let me know if you need any further assistance!




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