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Enhanced User Experience with Private Message Notifications




With the latest update, we've introduced a new feature aimed at enhancing user experience with private messages. In the past, you may have received a private message in the chat, but with messages scrolling quickly or receiving multiple requests simultaneously, it could be challenging to spot and manage private messages amidst the rest of the conversation.


To address this, we've implemented a new system that places each received private message directly within the user list. Now, when you receive a private message, you'll see a blinking icon next to the sender's nickname. This provides you with an immediate visual reference point, making it easy to identify private messages even when the chat flow is fast or when there are many ongoing conversations.


This feature is designed to improve your user experience, allowing you to manage private messages more efficiently and ensuring that no important communication slips through the cracks. You can now choose to open private messages at your convenience, perhaps after receiving the initial notification, enabling you to keep track of users reaching out to you privately and manage conversations in a more organized and intuitive manner.



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