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New Feature for Effective Management: Staff Actions Monitoring!




Dear Chat Managers,

We are pleased to announce a significant update designed to further enhance your management experience within the chat. Starting now, you will have the ability to monitor the actions performed by administrators and moderators, providing you with a detailed overview of the activities taking place within your community.

Monitoring Staff Activities

With the implementation of this new feature, every action taken by administrators and moderators will now be recorded and made exclusively accessible to chat managers. You can review details of bans, warnings, and mutes, ensuring a thorough oversight of staff activities.

Preventing Abuse and Ensuring Transparency

This addition has been introduced with the aim of providing you with an effective tool to prevent abuses of power and ensure transparent chat management. You will have the ability to ensure that staff actions align with your guidelines and community standards.

Access to the Moderator Actions Log Panel

To further streamline monitoring, the new moderation log system can be accessed through your management panel. To access it, navigate to "PCA > Chat Archive > Moderator Actions." This section will provide a comprehensive overview of all staff actions, allowing you to examine activities quickly and intuitively.

Our Commitment to Effective Management

We are confident that this additional functionality will enhance your ability to manage the chat effectively, ensuring that every action taken aligns with the goals and values of your community.

Thank you for your ongoing trust in chat management, and we are excited to continue providing tools that enhance your moderation experience.

Best regards



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