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JWT: a quicker and simpler version using the HTML5 service

The bottom sample is a PHP sample, but you can easily adapt it to JS or ASP in needed. let assume your TOKEN = 12134234 and id account = 1

Step 1: you create an array of your user such as:

$json = json_encode(array(
  'password'=> '12134234', 
  'id_account'=> '1', 
  'username'=> 'myUsername',  
  'gender'=> '1',  //use 1 man - use 2 for female
  'role'=> 'user',
  'birthyear'=> '33',
  'profile_link'=> "link profile user", 
  'immage_user'=> 'https://www.html5-videochat.com/homepage/img/logo_a.png', 
  'room_id'=> 'use id room'

Step 2 : you encode it using the html5 JWT online service

$encoded = file_get_contents("https://html5-videochat.com/applications/chat_webcam_personale/crypt.php/".base64_encode($json));

Step 3 : Get all links inside an iframe

 <iframe id="iframeChat" src="https://www.html5-videochat.com/index.php?/chat/$encoded" allowfullscreen="" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera; allowfullscreen; autoplay;" ></iframe> 

And that’s ALL:

role: can be admin, moderator,  premium,  user, ospite,  deejay, custom1, custom2

avatar is the http:// image of the expected avatar

profile: the link to the user profile (if available)

startRoom : the id of the room where to start in (roomid is an integer number)


Get user in room, global or single


Use the name_user_global variable to see the complete list of users inside the rooms


For the global number of users use the num_user_global variable



Use the name_user_room variable to see the complete list of users inside the rooms


For the global number of users use the num_user_room variable


Use your variable;

  •  id_account; - your account id, e.g. 1
  •  roomId; - room id e.g. 12

example web page html

$json = json_encode(array(
'id_account'=> $_id_account, 
'username'=> $name,  
'gender'=> $gender, 
'role'=> $ruolo_name, 
'birthyear'=> $age, 
'profile_link'=> "$get_profile", 
'immage_user'=> 'https://www.html5-videochat.com/homepage/img/logo_a.png', 
'room_id'=> $id_room
$encoded = file_get_contents("https://html5-videochat.com/applications/chat_webcam_personale/crypt.php/?code_crypt=".base64_encode($json)); 
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML5 Videochat</title>

<div style="width: 1024px;height: 800px;">
    <iframe id="iframeChat" src="https://www.html5-videochat.com/index.php?/chat/<?php echo $encoded; ?>" allowfullscreen="" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera; allowfullscreen; autoplay;" ></iframe> 




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