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Introducing the Glowing Nickname and Starry GIF Plugin!

demo: https://www.html5-videochat.com/index.php?/videochat/1/ Want to add a touch of magic to your users' nicknames? We have some exciting news for you! Now, you can enhance your experience on our platform by integrating our thrilling new plugin. With this incredible addition, members on your list can personalize their nicknames uniquely, making them brilliantly luminous and surrounded by dancing starry GIFs. Imagine their nicknames glowing brightly and catching the eye of everyone wit


chat5html in updates

Introducing Easy Chat Sharing: Share Your Chat with Friends!

Hello everyone! We're excited to introduce our latest update! Now, you can easily share your chat with friends more conveniently and quickly. We've added three sharing buttons for Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. Just insert the sharing link into your chat window, and you'll be ready to let your friends know about your chat and engage them in the conversation. It's as simple as a click! Give this new feature a try now and share your chat with the world. Thank you for being part o


chat5html in updates

Elevate Your Staff Communication with Our Single Staff Room Plugin

Our Single Staff Room Plugin is an essential addition for any online community looking for a reserved chat environment exclusively for authorized personnel. This plugin enables the creation of a single staff room, visible only to administrators and key personnel. Here's what our plugin offers: Key Features: Exclusive Staff Room: Users can create a single staff room, which is entirely private and visible only to authorized personnel. Limited Access: Only designated staff, such


chat5html in updates

New Feature: Image Upload in Various Formats

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our video chat platform! Starting today, we have implemented an advanced image upload feature that allows users to upload images in any desired format during their video chats. Until now, we supported the uploading of images in PNG format, but we have now extended support to many other formats, including JPG, GIF, BMP, and many more. This means that users can share photos, screenshots, illustrations, and any other images in one of the suppo


chat5html in updates

Introducing User Characters (UCs): Elevate Your Video Chat Experience!

We are thrilled to introduce an exceptional update to our video chat that will completely transform your experience. Now, you have the ability to create your own customized characters, known as User Characters (UCs), and place them directly into your chat rooms. Starting today, within your UC, you have the capability to create and manage users who can participate in conversations. You can personalize their name, age, region, gender, and even provide a link to their profile. This new feature


chat5html in updates

Archive Chat

Hello everyone, I am excited to announce a new and innovative feature I have created to enhance your chat experience: the Chat Archive! With great dedication, I have worked hard to develop an advanced system that allows you to maintain a comprehensive archive of all the chats you've created here. This archive will be accessible directly in your Account Control Panel (ACP), giving you easy access to all your past conversations. But why is the Chat Archive so important? Here are som


chat5html in updates

Links Are Now Clickable in Chat Thanks to Our CMP!

We are excited to announce a significant improvement in the chat experience for all our users. Now, you can easily make links in the chat clickable, thanks to the implementation of a CMP (Consent Management Platform). What is a Consent Management Platform (CMP)? The CMP is a tool we use to manage user consent for data collection and processing, in line with privacy laws like GDPR. However, this platform can do much more. How Does It Work? The CMP automatically recognizes link


chat5html in updates

Announcement of New Feature: User-Defined Video Chat Rules

We are excited to introduce a new feature in our chat platform. Starting today, users will have the option to include a link to their custom chat rules within their video chat sessions. This feature allows users to create and share their specific guidelines and regulations for their video chat rooms. How It Works: User-Created Rules: Users can now generate their set of rules that are applicable to their video chat sessions. These rules can cover various aspects such as behavior,


chat5html in updates

Upload image avatar

We are thrilled to announce a new and exciting feature in our chat! We have added a fantastic button that allows you to upload your own image and use it as a custom avatar. Now, you can express your personality and unique style while interacting with other users. Imagine how wonderful it is to share your favorite photo, a funny meme image, or even an adorable picture of your pet. Simply click on the upload button, select the desired image, and voila! Your new avatar will be displayed next t


chat5html in updates

Voice messages

Hello everyone! Are you ready to experience the biggest chat innovation since 1997 (or at least we think it's been since 1997)?! Our website has just added a feature that will make you scream with joy: voice messages! Yes, you read that right! Now you can communicate with your friends and colleagues not only through written chat, but also through your voice! Imagine being able to express your excitement for the latest movie you saw with a scream of joy, or being able to send a personalized


chat5html in updates

TrisMania - The Exciting Plugin for Your Chat!

Description: Transform your chat into an entertainment hub with TrisMania, the Tic-Tac-Toe game plugin that seamlessly integrates into your users' chat! TrisMania provides an engaging, challenging, and fun gaming experience right within your chat platform. Get ready to level up your chat experience by integrating TrisMania today. Purchase the plugin at https://www.html5-videochat.com/index.php?/store/product/7-tris-game/. Key Features: Quick and easy integration: Purchase the plug


chat5html in updates

Wordpress - integration

PLUGIN WORDPRESS You can automatically activate the plugin on your WordPress site. To proceed with the automatic installation, click the following link. https://wordpress.org/plugins/html5-videochat/ If you prefer to proceed with the manual installation process, keep reading. The following instructions will guide you through the installation.    Integration for wordpress Download the plugin to place in your root download plugin Installation tutorial 1


chat5html in integration

Datingsite integration

How to integrate html5-chat and datingscript ? Here is a snippet to help you to integrate html5 chat and dating script. Just edit $account_id and $token variables <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); require 'vendor/autoload.php'; include('application/config.php'); use \Firebase\JWT\JWT; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['session']['username'])) { header('Location:' . $config['base_url'] . 'users/login'); exit; } $token = ''; $accoun_id = '';


chat5html in integration

youdate.website Intergration

Youdate.website is a small CRM for dating written with Yii framework Here is a quick way to integrate html5-videochat with youdate <?php require(__DIR__ . '/application/bootstrap.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/vendor/autoload.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/environment.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/application/controllers/PhotoController.php'); $config = require(__DIR__ . '/application/config/web.php'); $applic


chat5html in integration

SocialEngine integration

Social engine is a php commercial dating script. UPDATE Download html5-videochat plugin from this link Edit application\modules\chat5html\controllers\indexController.php And edit this Upload the files to your site with FTP Both folders: (modules and packages) Go to your social Engine admin panel and go to menu manage->Packages & plugins and enable html5-videochat plugin Congratulations: Your chat is not available at url : https://yoursite.com/html5-videoc


chat5html in integration

Drupal integration

Drupal 7 Create a new field called “gender” go to : configuration->Account setting, Managed field Add new field called “gender” (list text)   and put them values : male female   Install the plugin you can download it from this link Go to structures/blocks and enable Content / create block chat5html Click configure Restrict that block to chat page Congratulations: you just create


chat5html in integration

IPS - ip.board

This method is compatible with any version of IP.board If you use ip.board, I'll teach you how to add a page for your chat application First create a block Choose these settings Inside enter all this code you see below   <?php $_id_account = 82; $name = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name; $member_id = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id; $gender = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->profileFields()["core_pfieldgroups_1"]["core_pfield_2"]; // Im


chat5html in integration

joomla integration

Download the plugin at this link. You will need the package to install it in your Joomla control panel. Log in to the Joomla administration with your login credentials. In the top navigation bar, click on "Extensions" and choose "Extension Manager" from the dropdown menu. In the "Extension Manager" page, click on the "Upload" tab on the top left. Select the plugin file you downloaded and click "Upload and Install". After a few seconds, Joomla will install the pl


chat5html in integration

Invisible mode in roles

Want to spy on your users ? You can now switch to invisible mode to spy your users activity. only admins will have this privilege turn on the room and press the key, become invisible. You will appear as invisible now  


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